Types of Acne Scars and Treatments


Types of Acne Scars and Treatments

Back in ancient times, displaying your scars was considered honorable and a sign of strength and triumph. Today, much of that perception has changed and people often find different methods to hide or get rid of their scars. Blemishes and scars especially on the face are considered unappealing so people opt to find the best acne scar removal products and procedures that can immediately show results. 
But what is a scar and how come others are more prone to getting them than others? Scarring is the result of your body replacing the damaged skin typically with fibrous tissue. It could be from an inflammation of the tissue or an infection that was inflicted upon the skin. The way scars form differs from person to person. It depends on the person’s skin type and also the area where the wound initially was. Another factor to consider is the person’s age and health. People who are older or who are in a poor nutritional state may tend to heal from wounds much longer than usual.

Types of Scars

Since the essence of beauty is becoming more diversified nowadays, both men and women want to achieve a certain level of perfection when it comes to their skin. Impeccable skin is often an aesthetic goal that people are constantly trying to achieve. The desire to get rid of acne scars and blemishes is now the target market of many companies that claim to have the best acne scar removal products and procedures. There are many scar removal products in the market so it’s important to know which products to choose specifically for the type of scar that you have.

Keloid Scars - Keloids are considered to be one of the most undesirable scars in terms of cosmetic appearance. They typically come from the excessive overgrowth of tissue during the healing process. Sometimes keloid may even become bigger than the wound itself. Getting rid of a large keloid scar may require steroid injections while smaller ones may be treated with liquid nitrogen.

Hypertrophic Scars - Similar to keloid scars, hypertrophic scars are the result of the excessive overgrowth of tissue and are usually pink or red in color. However, hypertrophic scars are much easier to treat than keloid scars. It may even be less noticeable as time goes by and like keloids, steroid injections are the most effective ways of treatment.

Acne Scars - Almost everyone has experienced some type of acne at some point in their lives. For people with severe types of acne, scarring is typically the aftermath of a very bad breakout. Some shallow acne scars tend to heal much faster than others while some which are deeper may spread into the surrounding tissue which results in further scarring.             

Types of Acne Scars          

Acne may affect each individual differently. It also depends on how well you take care of your skin despite any kind of breakout. Typically, severe types of cystic acne can cause atrophic scars which are normally flat and shallow. There are three types of atrophic acne scars and treatments vary depending on the severity of the scarring as a whole. Determining the type of acne scar is essential in terms of finding the best acne scar removal products or procedures.

Rolling Scars - These types of scars give the skin an uneven appearance that is hard to conceal. They are typically found where the skin is thicker such as the chin or jaw. They typically become less noticeable with time but they do not disappear completely without treatment.

Ice Pick Scars - The common characteristics of an ice pick scar are deep and narrow impressions on the skin. They are typically the most severe among the different types of acne scars and could be the most challenging ones to heal or treat. They are normally found where the skin is usually thinner like the forehead or upper cheeks. The best acne scar removal products or procedures may take a few sessions before results are seen.

Boxcar Scar - Almost 30 percent of atrophic blemishes are boxcar scars. They are typically round or oval in appearance and may somewhat resemble a crater. They may also be the aftermath of chickenpox and not just severe acne. Treatment depends on the depth of the scar and it’s commonly suggested to combine multiple types of procedures.

Best Acne Scar Removal Products or Procedures


With the development of science and technology today, there are now tons of options you can choose from when it comes to restoring the glow of your skin. Some products can be applied topically which allows your skin to peel and rejuvenate itself faster. These products are cost-efficient but it may take a while to see some results. The great news is that there are also procedures that can show you faster results. These procedures have grown in popularity since they are also known to target not only scars but the overall state and appearance of the skin.

Microneeding - One of the most procedures for anti-aging, skin rejuvenation, and scar removal is microneedling. It’s also cost-efficient and highly effective for many people. The technology works by using fine needles to penetrate the skin to stimulate collagen production. When collagen is produced it allows the skin to heal much faster to become tighter and firmer. However, it’s important to note that microneedling works best for scars that are sunken or depressed. 

Fractional Radiofrequency - Just like microneedling, fractional radiofrequency or shortly referred to as Fractional RF, is a procedure that heats the tissue to also stimulate collagen production. Fractional RF is said to work better than traditional microneedling. It penetrates the skin deeper allowing a more significant scar treatment.

Radiofrequency Microneedling - When you combine both procedures above, you get a more potent and effective procedure. It may be one of the best acne scar removal products or procedures people can try and it is one of the latest technologies when it comes to skin treatments. It works by delivering the energy from radiofrequency, through the fine needles of microneedling. There is minimal or less heat damage for the skin which allows the person to have minimal downtime. It is also known to treat acne-prone skin because it’s said to damage overactive sebaceous glands that produce excessive sebum.

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