What Is Laser Therapy?


What Is Laser Therapy?


Skin laser therapy has been growing in prominence in the cosmetic industry and for good reason. Laser therapy is not only used in aesthetics and beauty but in many facets in the field of medicine. Its countless uses have opened up doors for the advancements of medical technology.      

But before we discuss laser therapy and its utilization, let’s first understand the science behind this innovation. It may sound like a modern type of medical wonder but laser technology has actually been around for quite some time.


A Brief History About Laser Technology


Light has been known to have therapeutic properties since the early 16th century BC and the form of medical treatment that involves light exposure is called phototherapy. The development of the first laser was in 1960 and by 1967, the first documented healing from laser therapy was performed in the field of veterinary medicine. A few years later, places like China, Eastern Europe, and the Soviet Union also began using laser therapy as a form of treatment modality.                                      

Since its early days, laser therapy has greatly expanded and its applications have been embraced in numerous fields and industries. Nowadays, laser therapy is considered a multifaceted staple for treatments solutions and it may even be considered as a less invasive alternative to surgery in some cases.


Fields of Medicine Utilizing Laser Therapy

The medical industry is continuously developing and advancing in technology at a rapid pace. Experts and researchers in the field are effortlessly trying to find new methods and convenient approaches to promote and improve the overall health of humans. The discovery of laser therapy is a breakthrough that has proven to have opened many doors for medicine. 


Lasers in ophthalmology are used to treat different illnesses of the eye without the risk of infections. These procedures are often painless, quick, convenient, and patients can start the recovery period in the comfort of their homes. 

Lasik or “laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis” is a popular procedure that treats vision problems. It’s a kind of laser surgery that reshapes the eye to improve vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

Lasers may vary depending on the specific eye problem that needs to be treated. Its common main components are the delivery system, a laser console, and a foot pedal that allows the doctor to convenient control the device.     


Cancer is one of the most feared diseases globally and has affected almost 2 million people within 2020. Fortunately, with the advancements in technology, new alternative ways for treatment have been introduced in the medical branch of oncology.  

Laser therapy can be used to combat and treat cancer in numerous ways. It can destroy the tissues of a tumor or a suspected precancerous growth. Laser therapy can also treat both symptoms and side effects such as bleeding and swelling. It can also seal nerve and tissue endings to keep the tumors from spreading. 

Laser therapy can be quite expensive and not many doctors are trained to do it. However, the use of laser therapy is more accurate and takes less time which reduces the risk of damaged tissues and infections. It also reduces pain, scarring, and bleeding. 


One of the most globally progressive industries is beauty and aesthetics. Both men and women nowadays seek more opportunities to improve their sense of self and confidence through the help of cosmetic procedures. 

Skin laser therapy is one of the most popular treatments that people opt for in terms of skin rejuvenation. Laser technology can be used in a wide variety of ways in the field of dermatology from hair removals to hyperpigmentation treatments. Skin Laser therapy is usually performed to improve the appearance of the skin, especially on the face. 

These treatments can reduce or eliminate wrinkles caused by aging due to prevalent sun exposure. They are also used to treat irregularities and ane scars. Whatever the reason, it is important to note that seeking dermatological advice from experts can help an individual better understand and choose the most suitable skin treatment or regimen. For reference, here are some of the most commonly performed skin laser therapy treatments. 

Fractional Laser - A procedure that typically lasts only about 15 to 20 minutes, fractional laser treatments can guarantee results with minimal downtime. It works by continuously sending ultra pulse light energy to the surface of the skin to remove the damaged outer layer and resurface the skin underneath. It also stimulates our body’s collagen production which results in firmer and young-looking, radiant skin. This type of skin laser therapy can also reduce acne scars and promote a more even skin tone. 

Laser Genesis - Much like many other kinds of skin laser therapy, laser genesis is a procedure that can be done in under 30 minutes. It is also painless and is often compared similarly to the feeling of basking underneath the sun. This is because the procedure works by directly heating the layer underneath the epidermis to stimulate collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps with acne scars and reduces rosacea or redness by constricting the blood vessels.

Laser Hair Removal - This type of skin laser therapy is considered one of the most popular procedures among men and women. Laser hair removal works by removing unwanted hair around the body through a laser that targets hair follicles and damages them to reduce the hair growth around the particular area. However, a series of sessions are typically recommended to achieve the total elimination of follicles. 

Laser Tattoo Removal - The first tattoo removal through skin laser therapy was performed way back in 1967. Today, people can conveniently have their tattoos removed within a few sessions. The procedure is done using a laser that breaks the pigments on the skin and since black tattoos respond best to this procedure, they are the easiest ones to remove. Other colors may require different laser wavelengths depending on the specific shade. Laser tattoo removal is also considered the safest way to remove a tattoo with minimal chance of side effects.

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