Treating Age Spots: Procedures and Topical Medications


With the anti-aging industry becoming one of the fastest-growing sectors, different types of wrinkles or age spots treatment are increasingly gaining in popularity. Every year, new products such as anti-aging creams and serums are introduced into the market which causes a huge influence on the growth of the cosmetic industry. 

Products specifically designed to combat the signs of aging are one of the most popular choices among skincare enthusiasts in various demographics. In recent years, companies have adopted different kinds of anti-aging methods for different applications. They have also been more progressive and inclusive for different skin types. 

Today, younger people are becoming keener on fighting the signs of aging before they can even manifest. A rapid growth in sales in the anti-aging industry is a testament to the economic impact it has made in the 21st century. As beauty standards become more stringent, companies view this phenomenon as a bigger marketable opportunity.

Today many kinds of treatments and procedures cater to different parts of the body where signs of aging typically manifest. In this article, we’ll focus on the different causes of age spots and the different types of treatments that are now available in the market.


Why Do People Get Age Spots?

Age spots or also referred to as sunspots are common among people approaching their golden years. They typically appear in areas of the skin that is heavily exposed to the sun. Aside from aging, other factors contribute to why age spots may begin to manifest.

Age spots may also appear due to excessive exposure to harmful UV rays from the sun or excessive tanning. People who have a fairer complexion are also more prone to age spots which is why applying sunscreen is always a recommended habit by skin specialists every time you go on outdoor excursions.

Age spots appear in shades of brown to black depending on the person’s complexion. They do not differ in texture from the other areas of the skin but they are noticeable especially when they are heavily concentrated in a particular area. 

Generally, two types of age spots treatment are often recommended by dermatologists. One way is to simply apply topical solutions such as creams and products in areas of the skin where skin spots appear. The other type of treatment is to undergo a procedure that can address the problematic areas of the skin. 


Types of Topical Age Spots Treatment

Today, many different kinds of topical prescription products can address age spots and other irregular types of pigmentation on the skin. However, it’s always important to consult a specialist before applying any type of skin treatment. Common topical age spots treatment you can find in the market include:

Hydroquinone - This topical treatment is a type of phenol that is used to lighten dark patches on the skin which may be caused by either hormonal changes or an injury. It’s capable of blocking the process which leads to skin discoloration or hyperpigmentation. However, it’s important to note that hydroquinone should only be used on unscathed skin, or else it may cause adverse effects. 

Hydroquinone as a form of age spots treatment may cause the skin to become more sensitive or vulnerable to the sun. This is why it’s always important to take precautions and always consult your doctor when undergoing treatment.

Tretinoin - Also known as all-trans retinoic acid, tretinoin can also be used as a form of acne treatment. It is also capable of reducing fine lines and wrinkles aside from eliminating dark spots on the skin. 

Generally, it can take up to 3 to 4 months before changes are observed when using tretinoin. Additionally, not only does it target age spots but also improves the overall quality of the skin.

Topical Chemical Peeling Agents - There are many different types of chemical peels that people can try as a form of age spots treatment. Chemical peeling does not only address age spots but also other types of skin problems.

It brings out healthier skin underneath by dissolving the damaged skin cells on the outer layer. Aside from getting rid of age spots, chemical peels can also result in brighter and clearer skin. Here are some of the common types of chemical peeling agents available today:

  • Salicylic Acid

  • Glycolic Acid

  • Lactic Acid

  • Kojic Acid                


Types Procedures That Can Treat Age Spots 

With advancements in modern technology, more and more procedures that can enhance the overall well-being of the skin are now available on the market. Different types of age spots treatment are performed using various methods depending on the condition of the skin. Common types of procedures to treat age spots are as follows:

Microdermabrasion - This type of treatment is not only considered a popular type of treatment for people with age spots. It can also address different types of skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation and scarring. Microdermabrasion utilizes a type of abrasive tool that smoothens the target area of the skin. 

It removes the dead skin cells on the surface of the dermis which is then replaced with a healthier layer underneath. Microdermabrasion is an ideal type of age spots treatment since it can help the skin regenerate faster.

Skin Laser - Using a laser for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation has become a very popular choice for many skincare enthusiasts in recent years. Laser technology provides fast results with little to no downtime. It’s the perfect type of age spots treatment if you’re looking for a faster solution compared to topical creams or products. 

It’s important to note, however, that the area where the treatment is performed may experience darkening but this side effect eventually goes away within a week or two. 

Cryosurgery - This type of modern age spots treatment freezes the target area using a liquid nitrogen solution. By doing this, the frozen skin are can be easily peeled away with little to no discomfort. 

The area of the skin where the age spots treatment was performed may appear to be darker in color but this generally goes away after a few days. The recovery period from cryosurgery can take anywhere from a week or two with little to zero risk of scarring. 

However, this goes away after a few days and the darkened area of the skin would eventually become much lighter. The recovery period from this cryosurgery can take anywhere from a week or two with little to zero risk of scarring. 

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