Defining Modern Day Innovations: RF Energy in Medicine


Radiofrequency radiation or RF energy is one of the biggest modern medical breakthroughs in history. Without the discovery of RF energy, many industries would not exist or would most probably be technologically far behind what they are today. 

Radiofrequency or RF energy is utilized in many industries ranging from media broadcasting to the medical field. Like many technologies that have been tested and refined over time, there is still a bright future ahead for RF energy, especially in the medical sector. 


The Discovery of Harnessing RF Energy

In the medical field, the idea of using RF energy dates back to the late 1800s when Nikola Tesla suggested that the technology may provide beneficial effects to the human body. In the 1900s, experimental procedures in electrotherapy began being performed with biophysicist, Jacques Arsene d'Arsonva, developing three different methods of utilizing RF energy for treatment. 

The idea was to harness heat from RF energy to treat a variety of different medical conditions. Though this was something that happened more than a century ago, it propelled numerous medical innovations that we have today that carry the same concept. At present, RF energy is not only used to help treat illnesses like cancer but is also used in beauty and aesthetics to promote beautiful skin.


Medical RF Energy

RF energy in medicine is used for different applications. Today, the advancements of technology have even opened new doors for different types of treatments especially in the field of dermatology. Radiology is probably among the most common branches of medicine that heavily rely on RF technology. In this branch of medicine, two of the most common technologies people are familiar with are MRI and CT scans. 

These two types of devices are commonly used to detect abnormalities within the body that may disrupt normal bodily functions. It can also be used to foresee possible illnesses that are caused by internal changes in different systems of the body. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging and works by using magnetic waves and RF energy to create images of our internal parts and organs.

MRI scans can depict crucial data about the well-being of the brain or other organs. Doctors typically prefer MRI scans when it comes to detecting neurological functions or potential cancer because they can provide more vivid images of the brain. It is also widely preferred by doctors when it comes to diagnosing problems within the central nervous system.

CT scans, on the other hand, utilize three X-rays to create 3D images of the organ from different angles. The collected X-rays are synthesized into a single image. CT scans, or formally named computed tomography scans, are usually performed to determine if there are any fractures or injuries, or internal bleeding within the body. In some cases, CT scans are also used to detect illnesses like cancer and are considered a cheaper alternative compared to MRI scans. 

These types of scanning devices utilize RF energy to diagnose health issues especially serious ones like cancer. In fact, the field of oncology is another medical branch that heavily relies on RF technology. Since cancer is a serious disease that can be deemed terminal, it’s always much better to catch the illness in its early stages for proper treatment to work.

RF technology has always been one of the most reliable treatments for cancer today. A common treatment that harnesses the medical capabilities of RF energy is a procedure called, radiofrequency ablation. This type of treatment does not require the use of a scalpel and is minimally invasive compared to surgical operations. 


Defining Radiofrequency Ablation 

Radiofrequency ablation is a form of treatment to get rid of early cancer cells or tumors. It harnesses RF energy and generates the proper amount of heat to destroy the abnormal tissue formations within the affected cells. This is typically performed by a radiologist who makes a small incision through the skin to access the tumor or cancer cells.

Another use of radiofrequency ablation is a procedure that can also be referred to as rhizotomy. It can be used as a type of treatment among patients who are suffering from chronic pains. It targets the nerves that are causing pain by burning them through the heat that is produced by RF energy. 

Rhizotomy is can often be performed on patients suffering from chronic arthritis, sacroiliitis, or spondylosis. This saves patients from undergoing more extensive treatments and may even allow them to avoid surgical procedures. Most patients report little to no downtime necessary and an increase in efficiency when it comes to normal daily activities. 

Harnessing RF Energy for Beauty and Aesthetics

With numerous innovations that can provide beautiful skin, it’s no wonder that RF energy has also been utilized by experts to provide beneficial effects on the skin. RF technology has been applied in so many ways with different methods in the field of dermatology. It has also revolutionized techniques that were combined along with its practice for better results.

More and more skincare methods are entering the market and the competitive strive for the best technique is becoming more demanding. People today are becoming open-minded when it comes to skincare procedures. The fascinating part about this phenomenon is that RF technology is also gradually adapting to modern trends in beauty and aesthetics. 

Today different kinds of radiofrequency dermatological machines are available on the market. All are proven to stimulate the production of collagen within the skin. These methods are guaranteed to help reduce the signs of aging such as sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles. Additionally, RF energy stimulates collagen production so well that it has been proven to reduce or eliminate the appearance of scars and blemishes. 

A good example of a new addition to the ever-growing number of radiofrequency skin procedures is Secret RF. This technique utilizes the power of RF energy to provide long-lasting effects for a more youthful, vibrant complexion. Utilizing RF energy in dermatology is not only one of the greatest advances in the field of medicine but also in the industry of beauty and aesthetics.

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