The Wonders of Laser Medical Devices


A laser medical device is a prominent piece of equipment that you can find in a dermatological clinic. Although laser technology is not new, it’s still one of the most reliable innovations in this modern era. Its applications range from the medical industry down to the manufacturing sector.

In the cosmetic industry, a laser medical device is still one of the go-to treatments for many skincare enthusiasts. Its ability to rejuvenate and resurface the skin is evident proof of why this medical wonder is still one of the best treatments in the industry. 


How Laser Medical Devices Work

With the growth of the cosmetic industry in the 21st century, laser medical device treatments have equally grown in popularity among the general public. With higher demands, laser treatments have adapted to different methods throughout the years. 

Skincare enthusiasts and first-timers alike now have more laser medical device options to choose from depending on the skin problems they wish to address. Laser medical device treatments are considered minimally invasive with minimal downtime. 

Laser is an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. It utilizes light using a single wavelength that is strong enough to deliver the high amount of energy that is necessary for each application. 


Different Types of Lasers and their Applications

Lasers can be emitted from different sources with fiber and sapphire crystal being the most common ones in the medical field. For contact lasers, the tip of a laser medical device absorbs heat and conducts the energy that makes contact with the skin. Non-contact lasers, however, do not directly touch the tissue. The skin absorbs the energy that is radiated through the tips which move the molecules within the target area of the dermis. 

The first-ever laser was operated in the year 1960 by Theodore Maiman and was conducted in the Hughes Research Laboratory in California. He utilized a silver-coated ruby rod that was able to emit a small beam of monochromatic light. This scientific breakthrough was what opened many doors for the laser medical device technologies we have today.

Laser medical devices have adopted different types of applications in the medical field throughout the years. Medical experts use them in different branches of medicine ranging from oncology to radiology. Throughout the years, the innovation behind laser treatments has come a long way and is continually adapting to more versatile applications. Common applications of laser medical devices are as follows:


Skin Treatments

A laser medical device is a common machine that one might find in a dermatological office. As aforementioned, laser treatments have been a common choice for many skincare enthusiasts. Laser toning can induce the production of collagen within the skin allowing it to regenerate and replace the damaged layer on the surface. 

A laser medical device can also be used to eliminate or slow down the growth of hair in an area of the skin. It does this by targeting the melanin or the pigments of the hair which then damages the follicles. The procedure also does not require any downtime and most people can simply go back to their regular routines after each treatment.


Cancer Treatments

In oncology, a laser medical device can often be used to eliminate or treat early signs of cancer. Laser therapy utilizes a beam of light that is powerful enough to destroy cancer cells or tumors. Although this does not address cancer itself, it does, however, aid in clearing out blockages when tumors or abnormal cancer cells are in the way of normal bodily functions. 

Laser treatments can act as substitutes for scalpels when performing procedures that aim to remove tumors. It’s important to note, however, that laser therapy is often paired with other forms of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Eye Treatments

Much like in dermatology and oncology, a laser medical device is often used in ophthalmology for delicate eye procedures. Lasers, compared to scalpels, can accurately perform procedures such as reshaping the cornea. These types of laser procedures can eliminate the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. 

A common type of laser surgery called, LASIK is done to correct different forms of myopia. It is typically performed using two lasers to open a thin section of the cornea to reshape its structure. LASIK has minimal downtime that only lasts for about 6 to 12 hours with some patients being able to see clearly after 24 hours post-treatment. 


Modern Breakthroughs in Laser Technology

With new skincare methods and procedures entering the cosmetic market each year, laser technology is also continuously evolving to keep up with the latest dermatological trends. Since laser resurfacing techniques can be diversely applicable to any type of skin, more and more people are becoming open to trying laser medical devices.  

One of the newest innovations under laser technology is called fractional CO2. Fractional CO2 laser treatments work by continuously sending ultra-pulsed light energy to the surface of the skin to remove the damaged outer layer and replace it with the healthy layer underneath. It does this by improving the production of collagen in our skin and promoting the fast regeneration of skin cells. 

This type of laser medical device can address different kinds of skin issues and can help maintain beautiful and healthy skin. It can eliminate or reduce fine lines or wrinkles and even out skin tone. People with acne-prone skin can also undergo fractional CO2 sessions to help with scarring. As people approach their golden years, they tend to produce less collagen which leads to sagging skin. This is something that can be addressed with the help of fractional CO2 laser treatments provided that the patient follows proper medical guidelines before and after treatment.

Fractional CO2 laser treatments typically last for about 15 to 20 minutes and collagen production would continuously show signs of improvement as the days go by post-treatment. However, it’s always important to consult a specialist before undergoing any kind of treatment involving a laser medical device. Seeking advice from medical practitioners is always necessary especially when it comes to choosing the perfect treatment for your skin.

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