What you need to know about laser skin resurfacing


Over the years, our skin experience changes because of environmental and internal factors such as harsh sun exposure and contraction of facial muscles. These factors speed up the aging of the skin and lose its elasticity, therefore damaging your skin’s quality. Skin laser therapy is a non- surgical and less invasive treatment that can reduce and reverse the skin’s damages throughout the years. In this article, we’ll be guiding you through the things you need to know about laser skin resurfacing and tips on how to take better care of your skin.


What is Skin Laser Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing treatment uses microscopic laser beams that are highly concentrated, to remove areas of the skin that are damaged with proper control and precision. There are different types of lasers used in this procedure depending on the strength, Fraxel(fractional resurfacing lasers) and CO2 are two of the most popular procedures used in skin resurfacing. Laser skin resurfacing removes old layers of the skin to let you produce more collagen and improve the skin’s quality and appearance. This treatment also vaporizes the skin around scars and wrinkles to minimize their visibility.

One of the most advanced industries in the world is beauty and aesthetics. Nowadays, both men and women are seeking more opportunities to improve self-awareness and self-confidence through cosmetic surgery.

Skin laser therapy is one of the most popular skin regeneration therapies that people choose. Laser technology can be used for many purposes in the field of dermatology, from hair removal to hyperpigmentation treatment. Skin laser therapy is often used to improve the appearance of the skin, especially the face.

These treatments can reduce or eliminate aging wrinkles caused by general sun exposure. They are also used to treat irregularities and scars. Regardless of the reason, it is important to note that seeking dermatological advice from experts can help individuals better understand and choose the most appropriate skin treatment or plan.

There are times where skin laser resurfacing results are drastically different, some procedures can also be more painful than the other depending on the strength of the laser in use. Recovery time usually takes about 10 to 21 days depending on the problem treated and the results of laser resurfacing treatments usually last for about 3-5 years after having the procedure. Patients can also extend its results for more than five years by taking care of their own skin. Here are some tips to enhance and extend the results after having the laser skin resurfacing treatment.


Drinking plenty of water and other liquids can help your skin look fresh. Keeping yourself hydrated not only helps your skin but you’ll be feeling better as well. Drinking water protects your skin from dehydration, maintains proper blood circulation, and removes toxins from the body. Try to make a habit of drinking water for at least 8 times(eight-ounce glass) a day, and more if you participate in physical activities or work that requires more energy.

Healthy Diet

The food you eat affects the way your skin looks and feels. Enhancing our diet can help add more nutrition not just inside our bodies but it can also improve the quality of our appearances. Eating food full of vitamin A and vitamin C is very important for skin care, because it protects the skin, prevents aging, and helps the production of collagen in your skin. Try to eat food that has high amounts of these vitamins such as leafy green vegetables, milk, eggs, cauliflowers, and oranges.

Stress-free environment

Stress is one of the biggest factors in causing your skin to have early signs of aging, wrinkles, and acne. This is because of a natural hormone called Cortisol that helps the body deal with stress, but it also speeds up the aging process of the skin and enhances unwanted signs of aging like facial lines and age spots. This is quite hard to avoid especially in some situations but there are ways to cope with stress that can help you avoid it as much as possible. One way to cope with stress is meditation, keeping yourself calm right after a stressful event can prevent cortisol from speeding the aging process of the skin.

Protection from harsh sunlight

Protecting your skin from the sun is one of the most important things to do after a laser skin resurfacing treatment. Skin damage and aging is caused by the harsh UV rays from the sun. Try to protect your skin from harsh UV rays by applying a high-SPF sunscreen during daytime even when it's cloudy. Avoid going outdoors during peak UV hours, make use of umbrellas, hats, or other UV-proof garments. Protecting your skin from the UV rays can extend the result of your laser skin resurfacing treatment for up to 2 years.


Human growth hormones(HGH) are produced more when exercising on a regular basis, exercising also helps with collagen production in your skin. In order to boost your HGH and collagen production, endurance and resistance training is the best workout. Try to do some weight training, and cardiovascular exercises like running or cycling to get long lasting results.

Skin Care

Having a skin care routine is a must. It’s an excellent way to keep your skin in good condition. Cleansing, moisturizing, and exfoliating are the three main steps you should do to maintain good-looking skin. Cleansing is practiced to remove the dirt from your skin, moisturizing is to lock in moisture, and exfoliating is to remove dead skin cells and help expose a fresh new layer. Skin care products consist of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and antioxidants.

Take Supplements

Antioxidants are the best supplements to take when caring for your skin, it boosts your skin’s health and appearance. When boosting the skin’s antioxidant levels, it helps prevent your skin from having signs of aging and eliminates acne quickly. Add vitamin and mineral supplements in your diet so you can maintain your skin’s health.

It might take some time for your skin to recover after having a laser skin resurfacing treatment, so you need a little bit of taking care when it comes to your skin. Side effects of laser skin resurfacing therapy include but are not limited to swelling, redness, slight itching or stinging, and hyperpigmentation. Adding just a few things to your routine can help your skin heal faster, avoid picking the treated area as it might have an effect on your skin while it’s healing. Checking in from time to time with a dermatologist or specialist also helps in terms of asking for advice and what you can do to soothe any uncomfortable feeling. You can always be mindful and aware of your environment and lifestyle when you’re in the recovery process as it will also have an effect on your healing skin.

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