Common Anti Ageing Options We Have Today


Common Anti Ageing Options We Have Today

The global popularity of products that promote anti ageing elements is continuously growing as you’re reading this article. Ageing, like many other physiological processes, is inevitable and inherent to us humans. With modern science and technology, countless ways have been discovered to reverse ageing in some way. The ability to preserve youth is understandably something everyone wishes to achieve. This is also the reason why many beauty and aesthetic companies see the demand for anti ageing products and procedures, as one of the biggest marketing opportunities.
Humans have been searching for the so-called “fountain of youth” since the beginning of history. The concept and idea of a mythical spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes from it can be dated back to as early as the 5th century in the writings of Herodotus. Now in the 21st century, while we all know there is probably no such body of water, there are surely countless anti ageing techniques and procedures that have been made conveniently available to us.

Different cultures have established their own anti ageing methods and have adapted to the resources available in their environment. Nature has bestowed us bountiful anti-ageing elements that can be found in trees and plants. These resources differ from country to country and fortunately, with technology, many of them have been mechanically extracted and processed for us to utilize.

Anti Ageing Elements in Nature

Typically when we talk about anti ageing, we often imagine beauty products such as creams or scrubs. For some, favoured anti ageing methods may even mean undergoing a medical procedure. While both of these choices are fine, ageing starts from the inside which is why being mindful about the food you eat can drastically improve the way you look on the outside. It’s also important to note that many options can be found in your backyard or local market.

●  Avocados - These plants typically grow in sub-tropical and tropical regions. Avocados can be eaten as is or can be eaten with other ingredients as a dish. Not only are they delicious but they have also been proven to contain a lot of anti ageing properties such as carotenoids which helps in protecting the skin from sun damage. It also contains D-Mannoheptulose which stimulates collagen production.

Green Tea - Known to contain a potent antioxidant ECGC, green tea helps to fight harmful UV rays that accelerate ageing and also causes skin cancer. It’s also rich in both Vitamin B2 and E which are all essential in terms of maintaining the health of your skin.

Yoghurt - Typically enjoyed as a dessert, yoghurt can also be applied to the skin as a face mask. The lactic acid in yoghurt has exfoliating and anti ageing benefits that are known to reduce lines and wrinkles on the face.

Tomatoes - Is it fruit or vegetable? Tomatoes are actually fruits but considered as a vegetable by nutrition experts. They are known as anti ageing superfoods and they contain lycopene and also carotenoids. Not only do they have anti ageing properties but they are also known to fight osteoporosis and even cancer.

Turmeric - Just like Yoghurt, Turmeric is something that you can both ingest and apply topically. It contains curcumin which is a powerful anti ageing active compound. It delays the process of ageing which is called cellular senescence and promotes health and longevity.

Anti Ageing Through Modern Science

Science and technology continuously pave the way for countless breakthroughs in terms of the human life span. Thanks to decades of science history, there is no need to endlessly seek the mythical fountain of youth. In fact, the fountain of youth has become somewhat of a metaphor to describe the anti ageing methods and procedures that we have available in this modern era. 

With beauty standards becoming more limiting when it comes to age, people often seek faster and more visually effective ways to slow down the ageing process. The global market for anti ageing procedures have drastically increased within the 21st century and is estimated to be worth 58.5 billion dollars in 2020. Undergoing a medical aesthetic procedure is also now more culturally embraced all over the world for both men and women. Methods vary from invasive to non-invasive and are favoured by many simply because the results are seen faster and more evidently.

Fractional Radio Frequency - The use of radiofrequency in terms of medical aesthetics started becoming more popular in the early 21st century. This anti ageing procedure is non-surgical which is why many people consider this procedure to be more comfortable than others. It rejuvenates the skin by resurfacing the healthy layer underneath. The recovery period is fast and results can be seen immediately. It makes the skin more firm and also extremely reduces wrinkles.

Anti-Wrinkle Injection or Fillers - When wrinkle fillers are injected into the target area, the effect is almost immediate. True to its name, it works by filling the hollow parts where the wrinkles are. Some may use fillers to accentuate areas such as the lips or cheeks. Fillers, however, only last for a shorter amount of time within 4 months to a year, depending on the patient and the injected area.

Microneedling - Considered as a minimally invasive procedure, micro-needling has become another popular anti ageing choice for both men and women alike. Just like the others, it reduces lines and wrinkles around the face and rejuvenates it as a whole. It also claims to allow the skin to produce more collagen and elastin which gives the patient a youthful glow and radiance.

Radiofrequency Microneedling - The latest in anti ageing technology, radiofrequency micro-needling combines both the powerful capabilities of radiofrequency and micro-needling. It works by microneedles penetrating the skin and delivering radiofrequency on its tips or edges. It causes less trauma on the skin, therefore, requiring less is downtime compared to other procedures. It immediately causes collagen and elastin production leaving the skin revitalized and rejuvenated. Wrinkles would disappear as the skin gets tighter making it one of the most efficient anti ageing methods available in the market today.
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