Effective Ingredients for the Best Anti-Aging Cream


Effective Ingredients for the Best Anti-Aging Cream

Many products today claim to be the best anti aging cream in the market. Before we go in-depth with what makes these wonder products, let’s first take a look at how aging is perceived in our modern society today.    
Aging is an inevitable physiological process that everyone goes through. While we’re still young, the state of our skin will most likely reflect the same number as our age. Our skin radiates the same youth and brightness in the early stages of life. As we slowly get older, this youthful radiance would start to gradually fade away. Fine lines might become more subtly apparent than before and our skin might not be as resilient as it used to.
While some people might say that embracing your age is empowering, there is no denying that plenty of us would somehow love to slow down the aging process at least externally. Beauty standards today have become more restrictive and have proven that society favors a youthful-looking face in many social scenarios.
People who look younger despite their age may have more advantages and opportunities than their counterparts. Looking young may even shape one's career and open more job possibilities. This is understandably the reason why so many people long to find the “fountain of youth” through the best anti aging cream or products. It’s also important to know when aging begins and how we can prevent it from happening prematurely.

When Does Aging Begin?

Technically, our body ages as each second ticks on the clock. Our skin, however, may start to show more prominent signs of aging at the age of 25. Skin may begin to feel less firm or elastic and fine lines or wrinkles may start to become more noticeable. Lines or shallow wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and mouth may start to form when we change our facial expressions.

Aging becomes more obvious as we near or reach our golden years. The loss of volume or elasticity may also start to become more noticeable especially around the mouth and neck. The skin may also appear to look drier or weaker and uneven pigments like liver spots may start to show. This of course may still depend on several factors like genetics and lifestyle. Premature aging may take place if certain measures are not taken to protect the skin.

Premature Aging

You may wonder why some people the same age or even younger than you may appear to look older. There are many factors why this may happen and it’s not always because of the person’s lack of skincare. Looking much older than your age may simply be because of genetics. Some people may be born with a more mature-looking face while some might exhibit a more naturally young-looking appearance or “baby face”. Others may also start getting white or gray strands of hair at an early age. However, certain lifestyles may also lead to poor health which may cause premature aging.

People who are often exposed to the sun may suffer symptoms of premature aging. Prolonged sun exposure makes the individual vulnerable to UV rays which damages the DNA of your skin resulting in wrinkles. Your sleeping habits and diet may also contribute to early signs of aging. Getting a good night's rest allows your body to restore and regenerate cells. Poor sleeping habits hinder the skin to refresh and heal itself properly. Diet also plays a major role in your skin's health.

Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine may cause dehydration.  Drinking proper amounts of water is necessary for your body to function normally. Stress can also be another culprit when it comes to premature aging as it typically causes fluctuations in hormones. Hormonal imbalances may interrupt your body’s physiological processes which can be detrimental not only to your skin, but your body as a whole. It’s always important to pay close attention to how you care for your skin. Using the best anti aging cream and taking supplements is ideal but taking proper care of yourself and being careful about your lifestyle choices is always the best solution to prevent premature aging.

Best Anti Aging Cream Ingredients

Finding the best anti aging cream specifically for your skin is now much easier. There are simply more choices in the market and each of them may contain ingredients that target a specific purpose. Some of them have multiple ingredients which have a more potent effect. If you’re planning to choose the best anti aging cream for your skin, it’s important to know different ingredients that are proven to be the most effective.

Retinoids - Retinoids improve the production of collagen in the skin, which can reduce and prevent wrinkles. It also protects the skin from sun damage, which is known to accelerate aging. The term retinoid is used for vitamin A compounds. Products containing retinoids have proven to be the most effective on the market.

It is also important to note that maintaining or following the order of the skin is an important part of the process. Several studies demonstrate the effectiveness of retinoids in anti-aging creams but of course, changes won’t be noticeable overnight.

Hydroxy Acids - Hydroxy acids work by eliminating dead epithelial cells on the surface of the skin, allowing the body to replace them with a new, healthy layer. Alpha hydroxy acids are a combination of glycolic acid and lactic acid and are often used as skin tonics. This evens out skin pigments, resulting in a younger, more brighter glow.

Hydroxy acids also make the skin softer, firmer, and more elastic. It’s also a key ingredient in anti-aging creams, which are known to not only cleanse the skin but also reduce wrinkles.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C brightens the complexion, prevents hyperpigmentation and reduces unsightly pigmentation such as liver spots, which are common in people in their golden years. It also helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays caused by sun exposure. It has numerous properties that promote the well-being of your skin and body as a whole.

Low collagen levels can lead to wrinkles and fine lines over time. It also improves collagen production, which makes our skin stronger and younger. Finding the best anti aging cream with vitamin C can help make your skin stronger and firmer.

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