Medical Laser Technology: Should You Buy A Medical Laser Device?


Medical Laser Technology: Should You Buy A Medical Laser Device?

The field of medicine has come a long way after centuries of technological advancements. The inception of various clinical innovations such as a medical laser device has opened many opportunities for new treatments and procedures. Even though some of the technological foundations that are used in medical devices today have been around for many years, they have been proven to be reliable and efficient. These technological foundations have been improved and developed throughout the years by medical experts and are even the catalyst to many new innovations in the field of medicine.    

One innovation that is considered as an impetus for many new medical inventions is laser technology. A medical laser device can be used in many versatile applications. Different branches of medicine utilize different kinds of lasers to aid with various kinds of medical procedures. With the development of modern technology at its peak, it is not surprising that more new multifaceted medical lasers are now continuously being introduced in the market.


The History Behind the Technology



Laser technology was actually introduced by the famous Albert Einstein in the early 1900s. However, it wasn’t until the 1960s when a medical laser device was first introduced in the field of medicine. Dr. Charles J. Cambell and Dr. Charles Kester performed a procedure that destroyed a retinal tumor within a single pulse using a ruby laser. This procedure only lasted a second which solidified the fact that the technology was far more convenient compared to alternative methods of treatment. 

Today, a medical laser device serves as a powerful tool and has become a staple in many branches of medicine. Laser treatments and procedures have only gotten better and have evolved in terms of application. Laser technology is now becoming a more popular choice in different medical branches among patients who opt for a less invasive form of treatment. Aesthetic medicine, along with ophthalmology and dentistry, is probably one of the most popular medical branches that utilize laser technology. 


Laser Technology in Beauty and Aesthetics  



More and more people nowadays are progressively becoming more receptive when it comes to medical aesthetic procedures. The growing trend of body positivity is also playing a key role towards a more embracing and impartial attitude towards cosmetic procedures. People are now less afraid and more willing to undergo various cosmetic procedures to feel more confident and empowered. This phenomenon has created a high demand for a more vast array of cosmetic procedures that can cater to the public’s needs.

Unbeknownst to many, a medical laser device is one of the first machines that were used for aesthetics and beautification. Back in the 1990s, robotic scanning devices which utilized laser beams performed procedures that eliminated excessive tissue injury from an area that has been overexposed to treatment. These scanners have also paved the way for the use of laser technology in skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. Today, a medical laser device can perform numerous procedures such as skin resurfacing, vascular laser treatment, hair or tattoo removal, and so on. 


Types of Laser Devices in Aesthetic Medicine


Since technology is taking huge strides in development, it’s not at all surprising that medical lasers are continuously expanding in terms of applications. Many procedures that are available today have been around for quite some time and the following are some examples of reliable laser devices that are currently being used by medical practitioners. 

Non-Ablative Lasers - This type of medical laser device rejuvenates the skin by generating heat without destroying the surface. Non-ablative laser technology helps treat skin irregularities such as hyperpigmentation and scars. The procedure is also known to fight signs of aging as it reduces the development of fine lines and scars. The heat created by the laser allows the stimulation of collagen which helps the skin become tighter and smoother. 

Ablative Lasers - Compared to non-ablative laser treatments, ablative lasers operate by removing the outer layer or the damaged surface of the skin. The procedure is also considered one of the most effective anti-aging treatments as it also stimulates the production of collagen within the underlying skin. Just like non-ablative lasers, the treatment can help with scars and even out skin imperfections. 

Lasers for Hair Removal - The laser technology behind this procedure works by damaging the hair follicles within the skin. Depending on the patient, laser hair removals might take a few sessions before the hair completely disappears. However, undergoing initial treatments can already show a drastic improvement when it comes to delaying hair growth. Laser hair removals have grown in popularity among both men and women in recent years. 

Should You Buy a Medical Laser?

If you’re someone who is always updated when it comes to the latest skincare trend, then you might have heard about home medical laser devices. While laser technology might cover a vast variety of medical equipment, most home skincare devices don’t exactly utilize the same kind of lasers that are used clinically. True laser technology is only available for clinical procedures but plenty of light-based devices claim to provide the same benefits for the skin if incorporated into your skincare regimen.

If you’re considering whether to buy a home medical laser device, consulting a specialist is essential. It’s important to know whether the condition you wish to treat can be properly addressed by home medical devices. It’s always better to seek a professional and get treatment under the supervision of a medical practitioner. However, if you’re somebody who is planning to expand your medical practice, then purchasing a reliable and up-to-date medical laser device is the ideal choice.

Additionally, it’s always important to be updated regarding the most recent technological advances in medicine. New innovative machines that have diverse applications are continuously being developed and having the latest technology can be a good way to market your dermatological practice. It’s also important to be well versed and updated when it comes to the latest skincare trends. Whatever the case may be, the technology and innovation behind a medical laser device will remain timeless and reliable in the field of science.      

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